International Coorperation

We Offer You Consultancy And We Are With You Through The Whole Procedure
MAY ITC also provides consultancy on international business development and marketing issues. He researches the foreign financial markets, international investment opportunities, rival companies and business practices of the company he advises, where the company operates or intends to do business. Provides suggestions and prepares offers based on the research results. Provides support on how to contact targeted foreign companies. It analyzes goods and services in demand on a global scale. It follows the laws, regulations and updates regulating import and export. Provides advice on compliance with legislation.

We Offer Support To Expand Your Trade Volume With Spain And Establish New Collaborations.

We Conduct Research On The Sector You Are Interested In.

We Keep You Informed About the Incentives and Facilities of the Competent Authorities

We Offer You All The Support From The Beginning To The End Of All These Processes.
MAY ITC contributes to the economic development of institutions by providing consultancy with its staff who have more than 10 years of experience, know foreign countrıes and follow the economic situation from moment to moment. It carries out pre-consultancy SWOT analysis for companies to help them have a say in international trade and expand their areas of cooperation with tailor-made solutions. With the many different consultancies provided to hundreds of companies to date, their production potential has been directed towards sales and exports, resulting in increased exports.
We Serve With The Motto "Your Goal iI Our Goal"
Spain is the 4th largest country in the Eurozone with a GDP of 1.4 trillion dollars and a population of 46.7 million. is the economy. The Spanish economy entered a recession in the second half of 2008 and fell into recession in the third quarter of 2013. The recession is over. The budget deficit taken by the government in the period 2011-2013 measures to reduce labor law, public services and financial sector reform. Afterwards, Spain became much more competitive compared to other European countries. Reaching record levels in exports and tourism revenues, as well as revitalized domestic consumption It enabled the Spanish economy to regain a positive outlook. GDP growth rate Between 2015 and 2017, it was at least 3% for three consecutive years. The real GDP growth rate, which was 2.98% in 2017, was slowed by the slowdown in private consumption and external demand. With its contraction, it decreased to 2.5% in 2018. Further growth in 2019 It is expected to slow down. The slowdown in growth in the euro area and the US-China The trade war and the weak growth in the American economy have a negative impact on the global economy. As a result of the effects of is expected. Spain has a service sector-based economy. Spain, like other Western European countries The economy also entered a transformation process after World War II, and in this process, agriculture While the importance of the service sector has decreased, the importance of the service sector has gradually increased and this sector has become the dominant sector. While the agricultural sector accounts for only 2.5% of GDP, the services The share of the sector increased to 75%. Retailing, tourism, banking and Telecommunications sectors are one of the most important elements of economic activity. On the other hand The industrial sector, which constitutes 17% of GDP, maintains its importance in the economy. T.R. Ministry of Commerce, 2020 7 Tourism is traditionally one of the country's most important sectors. The country reached 82.8 in 2018 It has been visited by million foreign visitors. In terms of income from tourism It ranks second in the world after the USA. Spain is home to many multinational companies. Among these, major construction companies such as Europe's second largest telephone company. Banking, Large Spanish companies operating in the telecommunications, infrastructure and energy sectors have become global leaders. The purchasing decisions of these companies are mainly made in Spain. is given. The automotive main and sub-industry is one of the most prominent sectors of the Spanish economy. It ranks sixth in the world and third in Europe in the automotive supply industry. In the main industry It ranks eighth in the world and second in Europe. As an EU member country, Spain, like all member countries, has adapted to the EU acquis.